[공지] Analysis of the Sensory Characteristics of Broccoli from Jeju Island & Its Protein Fractions

2022.02.04 14:06 2,112 0


This study was performed to investigate the effect of size and fractions based on the molecular weight on the sensory and textural properties of winter radishes grown in Jeju. Samples were sorted into large, medium, and small sizes according to their weight and treated either in a raw or blanched state. The samples were separated into three fractions according to their molecular weight. The blanched radish showed increased moisture and reduced astringent taste, hardness and chewiness compared to the raw radish, while no significant differences were observed among samples according to size. The small size of raw radish was more astringent compared to the large and medium sized radishes. There were significant differences in mechanical hardness among the products with medium-sized raw and blanched radishes being the softest and having highest uniformity. This indicates that the different sizes of radish should be taken into consideration when developing a product using radishes. The intensity of the pungent taste and aroma decreased with the increase in the molecular weight of the radish extracts. The extract with the lowest molecular weight also showed the highest bitterness. This suggests that the molecular weight of separated radish ingredients accounts for the inherent flavor of winter radish.

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