[EZ-Cytox] Bioactive electrospun scaffolds for wound healing applications: A comprehensive review

2022.01.27 14:11 1,377 1



Incorporation of bioactive materials & physical and biochemical properties of electrospun dressings.

Factors affecting the performance of electrospun dressings.

The availability of active agents at the wound site.

The use of antimicrobial peptides and structures & prevention of prolonged wound inflammation.

Physical/chemical conjunction, initial blending, coaxial ES, & emulsion ES.


Skin tissue engineering is a promising approach to resorb skin layers and regenerate skin appendages through biomedical scaffold design. A plethora of techniques have been employed to fabricate clinically effective scaffolds among which electrospinning(ES) has gained tremendous attention due to its outstanding potential in fabrication of nanoscale structures similar to the native extracellular matrix (ECM). Furthermore, electrospun dressings open many opportunities to enable delivery of drugs and bioactive agents to the wound site. Given promising physical and biochemical signaling cues, ES technology has found extensive applications for providing a template and extracellular environment to promote cellular functions and to restore damaged tissue. In this review, we discuss recently developed bioactive electrospun dressings that have yielded effective acute and chronic wound treatment and tissue development. Furthermore, we introduce requirements of electrospun dressings to navigate excellent scaffold design.

댓글목록 1

김상진님의 댓글

JournalImpactFactor(2019) : 3.275